Pegan Boris

I have gotten involved in show dogs as a child and started showing English Springer Spaniels in the 80s. My The Talking Eyes kennels were FCI registered in 1991. I have lived in Europe, United States and Canada which gives me broad international dog show experience.

As a breeder I have bred champions in Europe, Asia, North America, and South Africa. Total of four The Talking Eyes dogs were Best in Show winners in Europe, Asia and South Africa and I bred one World Winner.

Over the years I published close to 50 dog-show related magazine articles internationally and am author of The English Springer Spaniel Global Review books, two encyclopedias about English Springer Spaniels that were published on Amazon on 1100 pages over 2 books and sold to 43 counties world wide.

As a dog groomer I worked for 25 years including operating my grooming business & grooming academy in Zagreb, Croatia.


So far, I have judged in Croatia, South Africa, Denmark, Finland, Australia, New Zealand and England.

I strive to bring friendly dedicated judging experience to my ring and give quality time and experience to everyone including puppies, new exhibitors, professional peers and dogs when I judge.

Breeds licensed to judge: English Pointer, English Setter , Gordon Setter, Irish Red And White Setter , Irish Red Setter , American Cocker Spaniel , American Water Spaniel , Chesapeake Bay Retriever , Clumber Spaniel , Curly Coated Retriever , English Cocker Spaniel , English Springer Spaniel , Field Spaniel , Flat Coated Retriever , French Water Dog, Frisian Water Dog , German Spaniel , Golden Retriever, Irish Water Spaniel , Labrador Retriever , Nederlandse Kooikerhondje , Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever , Portuguese Water Dog , Lagotto Romagnolo , Spanish Water Dog , Sussex Spaniel , Welsh Springer Spaniel, Doberman, Miniature Pinscher, Miniature Schnauzer, Standard Schnauzer, Giant Schnauzer, Affenpinscher, Boxer, Beagle, Rhodesian Ridgeback & Dalmatian.

Group 8 FCI (whole group), Group 7 FCI (British Setters & Pointers), Group 6 FCI Hounds (Dalmatian, Beagle & Ridgeback) and Group 2 FCI (Pinschers and Schnauzers)